To solve problems related to sites hacking is usefull follow some of this suggestions:
With egrep -ril
you can search for:
eval *\(
(and found @eval(
( but not secure, since I’ve found strings like ` $lkbpsopyt=’ba’.’se’.’64_deco’.’d’.’e’.’’; @eval($lkbpsopyt….`)zip
or \x2f;
che corrispondono al carattere \
usato ad esempio in@include "\x2fvar/\x77ww/t\x69mesc\x61pes/\x77p-co\x6etent\x2fplug\x69ns/r\x6edpst\x32/fav\x69con_\x61ad4a\x30.ico";
http-equiv="refresh" content="1;URL="/
In general check the files:
Find suspected strings into DB:
SELECT * FROM id013_posts WHERE post_content LIKE '%xf2%'
SELECT id,post_content FROM `id013_posts` WHERE post_content LIKE '%<script>%' ;
And here a php script to clean the fields:
be care, it’s no my responsbility if you lost data!
I suggest to make a backup before proceed with this script
$servername = "mercurio-mysql";
$username = "root";
$password = "cicciopasticcio";
$dbname = "dbTimescapes";
$table = "id013_posts";
$column = "post_content";
// Create connection
$conn = new mysqli($servername, $username, $password, $dbname);
// Check connection
if ($conn->connect_error) {
die("Connection failed: " . $conn->connect_error);
// test one before do for all posts
//$sql = "SELECT id, $column FROM $table WHERE id = 1346";
$sql = "SELECT id, $column FROM $table WHERE id = 1179";
// query all
//$sql = "SELECT id, $column FROM $table";
$result = $conn->query($sql);
// remove scripts with unicode paths
$unicode = 'var *_0x';
// remove suspected function
$func = '\(function.*window\.location=';
// base64 code with eval
$evalbase='var *BDZUFIMGRY';
// start with <script
$startscript='\< *script[^\<]+';
// remove up to <\script>
$endscript = '[^\<]+\< *\/ *script *\>';
// empty script
$emptyscript='\< *script *\> *\< *\/ *script *\>';
$hackRegex = "({$startscript}{$unicode}{$endscript})|({$startscript}{$func}{$endscript})|({$startscript}{$evalbase}{$endscript})|({$emptyscript})";
if ($result->num_rows > 0) {
// output data of each row
while($row = $result->fetch_assoc()) {
$id = $row["id"];
$oldContent = $row["post_content"];
$newContent = preg_replace(
'', $oldContent);
$newContent = $conn->escape_string($newContent);
echo "$id \n";
$update = ("UPDATE $table SET $column='$newContent' WHERE id='$id'");
print 'Success! record updated / deleted';
print 'Error : ('. $conn->errno .') '. $conn->error;
} else {
echo "0 results";