tool per check di network, in particolare utilizzato per chiamate http.


Test Recorder

to simulate navigation via proxy without set all by hand, you can use the Http test script Recorder. Just see:


WorkBench Item must be saved apart (if desidered). After it is saved, you may add it to any test plan that you have open by using the “Merge” menu item, and selecting your saved WorkBench.

See Test

interesting method to run test via CLI or ANT and see the results:



since out of box the CookieManager remember JUST ONE cookie (that is one set-cookie in header response), in sites with multiple cookies (like CICERONE), I need to perform this:

1 - find file (in macbook at /usr/local/Cellar/jmeter/3.0/libexec/bin/ 2 - to this file add the option CookieManager.check.cookies=false

and restart JMeter.


since JMeter has trouble with not public ssl cert, you need to start jmeter as follow:

jmeter -Djsse.enableSNIExtension=false

and all works.

I suggest to enable this by default, i.e. redefingn jmeter command in .bash_profile aliases.


JMeter has two parts of configuration:

  • mean panel
  • workbench section

the first contains the heart of the application, while the second is used to work in example with Http(s) script record, that works as proxy.

Both configuration part can be saved as separated config files, so remember to save both, not only what in main panel!!!!

My work is

1 - add a Thread Group in mean panel and inside Group add a Recording Controller listener: this will be the target of the test script I’ll create in Workbench.

2 - in workbench add a Http(s) Test Script Record and inside this configure the domains, prot, url patterns and Recording Controller: this is substantially a proxy server that saves all matching pattern as Http Requesto into the selected Recording Controller created into main panel. Remember to save Save selection as... in order to not lost your configuration.

3 - configure your browser to use localhost proxy at the setted port. IMPORTANT : with Google Chrome browser you can use Postman to make all wanted request (POST,GET,PUT and so on), and all this request will be recorded into your listener!

4 - navigate in the web to make all request you want record

5 - stop the proxy recorder (in Workbench)

6 - FINALLY you can view all your web requesto into the Recording Controller in main panel

HINT: I navigate in many sites and record too much links… so after stop the recorder I clean useless Http Request stored into Recording Controller

Header Manager

You can use a Header Manager foreach Http Request or set one for all suceeded Request. for example in a tree like

_ Http Request 1
 \_ Header Manager 1
_ Header Manager 2
_ Http Request 2
_ Http Request 3

the Header Manager 1 is inside Http Request 1 and therefore it affect only the Header of Http Request 1, instead Header Manager 2 is BEFORE and in the SAME LEVEL of Http Request 2 and Http Request 3, therefore Header Manager 2 will affect the header of Http Request 2 and Http Request 3.

That is: Header Manager influence the request as the flow of a river, starting from top to bottom (the chronological steps).

JWT and Logint Auth

Good tutorials:


Code Samples:
